
False accusations of cyberstalking

From fraud and theft involving the internet to offenses involving pornography, there are a variety of online crime charges people face. As with offline crime allegations, the consequences can be very serious and the allegations may not always be true. Online stalkingĀ charges, known as cyberstalking, can be particularly damaging and may cross over into other unlawful behaviors, such as identity theft and unlawful activity that is sexual in nature. Sometimes, a person may be falsely accused of cyberstalking altogether, which can virtually decimate their reputation in a very short period of time. If you have been wrongfully accused of cyberstalking or another online offense, you should protect yourself and your reputation right away.

From a restraining order to probation and even time behind bars, the potential consequences of these charges should not be taken lightly. Moreover, it is important to understand that there are many reasons why someone may falsely accuse another of cyberstalking. For example, two parents who are going through a dispute over the custody of their children may become involved in a cyberstalking case involving one parent falsely accusing the other of this offense. Or, someone may have hard feelings following a breakup or even believe that another person is guilty of cyberstalking even though someone else was responsible for the unlawful behavior. Someone may also be thrown under the bus by a former employer or co-worker, among other examples.

If you have been accused of cyberstalking, you should protect your interests and go over your rights at once. More onĀ cyberstalking charges is available on our cybercrime page.

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