
False allegations of unlawful pornography

In the digital era, a wide variety of offenses can upend the lives of internet users. Some involve harassment and terrorism, while others may consist of copyright infringement, theft, and fraud. However, some internet crime charges have to do with pornography and these allegations can carry harsh consequences. Someone who is facing accusations of possessing or distributing illegal pornography may feel as if their entire life has been upended, even if they are innocent. If you are stressed out about untrue claims involving illegal pornography, it is pivotal to immediately go over your options and strive to have the truth come out.

Sometimes, unlawful porn cases involve allegations of underaged victims, while others have to do with revenge porn, or sharing nude images of a former partner without his or her consent. There are many different reasons why someone may be falsely accused of such an offense, whether one of their former partners wishes to cause harm or someone is trying to frame them for one reason or another. When someone finds themselves accused of wrong-doing involving pornography, the stigma surrounding their case can be incredibly harsh. They might find themselves out of work or unemployable, losing relationships with close friends and family members.

Although some people feel hopeless in this position, this is no time to give up. It is vital for you to take steps to protect your interests if you have been wrongly accused of possessing illegal porn or any other cybercrime. Our cybercrime page has more onĀ internet-related charges.

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