
Handling false allegations of online harassment

Online crime charges take many forms, but harassment is an especially tricky issue to deal with in many instances. People may be charged with harassment for a number of reasons, whether they were unaware that their behavior was against the law or they are even falsely accused of online harassment. For example, someone may break up with a spouse or partner and their ex may try to shatter their reputation and bring legal consequences by falsely accusing them of harassing them over the internet. We know how challenging these cases can be and it is pivotal to protect your interests.

If you have been accused of online harassment, it is pivotal to immediately go over your legal options, the ins and outs of the alleged incident(s) and the best course of action. Your future may be at stake, whether you run the risk of losing your job as a result of these allegations or you face serious penalties. If you are the parent of a teen who has been accused of cyber harassment, for example, it is equally important to protect their future by carefully examining the situation and exploring the legal options that may be on the table. Many teens have been falsely accused of harassment by a former friend or an enemy at school.

The consequences of these charges are not to be taken lightly and the outcome of an online harassment case could have a significant impact on your future. We cover other issues concerning this area of law on our blog.

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