
Sex Crimes: Instructor accused of child molestation in Georgia

A martial arts instructor in Georgia has been accused of sex crimes. The child molestation allegations have apparently pitted members of the community against one another. Some have rallied around him in defense of his good character and presumed innocence, while others have stated they believe the accusations are true.

The man has reportedly been teaching Taekwondo for at least 30 years. The recent allegations involve claims that he acted inappropriately with a 15-year-old boy at his apartment. The martial arts instructor stated he was merely practicing a particular self-defense move and that absolutely no crime took place.

After word of the recent accusations spread throughout the man’s community, another supposed allegation surfaced. This situation involved a woman who said the same instructor did something inappropriate to her when he was in his twenties and she was his martial arts student. The instructor is currently age 59.

The man is charged with soliciting sodomy and enticing a child. Approximately 50 parents of other students have demonstrated their support of the man’s innocence, saying he is a kind and spiritual man who has never acted in any unprofessional manner toward their children. The defendant has been granted a $120,000 bond and has reportedly retained criminal defense representation to fight the four counts of child molestation against him in court. Aggressive and experienced defense is often crucial toward obtaining a positive outcome in such situations. Anyone in Georgia facing similar charges who wishes to seek help in a particular situation may request a consultation with an attorney to begin the process of building a strong defense.

Source:, “Georgia Taekwondo instructor charged with sex crimes”, Aug. 19, 2016

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