
When your teen is accused of a drug crime

Drug-related charges can be incredibly hard, as we discussed in a recent blog post which looked at the challenges parents may face when they find themselves in this position. However, parents may also face difficulties if their child is accused of an offense involving drugs, from the distribution of an unlawful substance to the possession of illicit drugs. It is extremely important to handle these allegations appropriately and understand just how much is at stake. In Atlanta, and cities all around Georgia, this can be overwhelming for parents and teenagers alike. However, the way in which these cases are handled can have a major impact on a young person’s future.

When parents find out that their teenager has been charged with a drug offense, they may be angry, very stressed out, or even depressed. A number of questions may arise and the parent may wonder why their child would do such a thing. However, there are many things to keep in mind for parents in this position, from peer pressure and exaggerated allegations to charges that are untrue altogether. Moreover, these charges could have a negative impact on a teenager’s future, from applying to college to looking for a job. Because of the serious nature of drug charges, parents should support their child through this difficult time.

Preparing a strong defense is essential for anyone who has been accused of a drug crime. If you browse to our drug crimes section, you will be able to read more material that deals with drug-related offenses.

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