Articles Posted in Cybercrime

Cases that involve unlawful pornography can be tough for a plethora of reasons. First, these cases carry a harsh stigma, and those who are accused of wrongdoing may feel too ashamed to stand up for themselves (even when details have been exaggerated or they are falsely accused of unlawful behavior). Moreover, some people may not be aware that certain types of behavior are against the law, especially since laws involving pornography have changed in recent years. In Georgia, for example, it is against the law for people to share nude images of their ex without their consent (this is known as revenge porn).

Revenge porn charges can lead to a number of harsh consequences. Those charged with breaking this law may face financial penalties and even time behind bars. For example, someone who is accused of sharing revenge porn again after they have been charged with this offense in the past may be sentenced to prison. Aside from the legal repercussions of revenge porn charges, one’s reputation may be completely destroyed. This could cause problems for them in regard to their career, and it may also cause personal relationships to fall apart.

If you have been accused of illegally sharing revenge porn, it is important to have a solid understanding of your legal options and figure out how to move forward. You should be aware of the potentially serious consequences you could face and try to identify the best way to handle this situation. Our cybercrime page has more related to revenge porn charges.

Online crime charges take many forms, but harassment is an especially tricky issue to deal with in many instances. People may be charged with harassment for a number of reasons, whether they were unaware that their behavior was against the law or they are even falsely accused of online harassment. For example, someone may break up with a spouse or partner and their ex may try to shatter their reputation and bring legal consequences by falsely accusing them of harassing them over the internet. We know how challenging these cases can be and it is pivotal to protect your interests.

If you have been accused of online harassment, it is pivotal to immediately go over your legal options, the ins and outs of the alleged incident(s) and the best course of action. Your future may be at stake, whether you run the risk of losing your job as a result of these allegations or you face serious penalties. If you are the parent of a teen who has been accused of cyber harassment, for example, it is equally important to protect their future by carefully examining the situation and exploring the legal options that may be on the table. Many teens have been falsely accused of harassment by a former friend or an enemy at school.

The consequences of these charges are not to be taken lightly and the outcome of an online harassment case could have a significant impact on your future. We cover other issues concerning this area of law on our blog.

People in Atlanta tend to view cybercrime is hacking attacks launched by sophisticated “tech-heads” to either steal information or interfere with an organization’s online activities. Yet the actual definition of cybercrime is criminal activities out with computers or via the Internet. Applying this definition could make cause cybercrime to hit closer to people’s homes in the form of cyberbullying. Bullying itself is an age-old issue, yet cyberbullying is a relatively new problem. While the perceived impersonal nature of the Internet may cause some to believe that their online actions are viewed differently than by those they engage in person, the law often does not differentiate. 

Cyberbullying is a perfect example of this. While there certainly instances of adults bullying other adults online, cyberbullying is a problem typically associated with children and teens. Indeed, information compiled by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services shows that 15 percent of high school students report being bullied via electronic media. Teens and tweens might mistakenly believe that whatever they post on social media platforms, send through emails or communicate through instant or text messages is always viewed as being perfectly innocent given that disconnectedness of the medium of the Internet empowers them to say things that they do not actually mean. 

Yet from the perspective of the state of Georgia, cyberbullying is akin to stalking. Section 16.5.90 of the state’s Crimes and Offenses Code classifies stalking as “follows, places under surveillance, or contacts another person at or about a place or places without the consent of the other person for the purpose of harassing and intimidating the other person.” Recent years have seen the state include communications via computer to qualify as “contact” under this statute. Youths who face cyberbullying charges must prove a lack of harassing intent in their online communications. 

Internet crime is a relatively new frontier in criminal justice. The topics are related to previous legal matters, but the tools of communication are diverse and novel. Additionally, the way people interact with web-based communications is always changing. Here is a brief look at the current status of cybercrime defense in this context.

As stated on its official site, the FBI sees national and international cybersecurity investigations as falling within its jurisdiction. This wide focus, combined with the various federal laws governing interstate crime, often means that prosecutors may attempt to direct cybercrime cases to federal courts.

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In a recent post, we looked into how challenging it can be for some people who have been charged with a white collar offense due to the stigma associated with these charges (career problems, etc.). While some people may think that offenses carried out over the internet have less of a stigma and softer consequences, it is crucial to remember that cybercrime charges can also be very damaging in this regard (if not more so, in some cases). There are many different cybercrime charges that people face, from those which are financial to offenses which are sexual in nature.

Someone who has been accused of an online offense may lose their job as a result of the allegations, or their spouse may decide to leave them. Their standing in the community may be tarnished and they may even find that some of their friends have abandoned them as well. Unfortunately, even some people who have been falsely accused of these offenses have to endure these hardships due to the harsh stigma of cybercrimes.

From online crimes that involve theft and fraud to those which involve unlawful pornography, there are many different offenses carried out through technology. In the digital age, people are especially familiar with some of these offenses and they can be very damaging to one’s reputation. If you have been accused of any type of online or computer-related offense, it is crucial to protect your rights. You should realize the different ways in which your life may be impacted in the present and future.

People are accused of various offenses related to the internet, from computer fraud to cyberstalking and even cyberterrorism. However, these cases may be based on completely fabricated allegations in some instances. Regardless of whether the claims are true or not, the damage to one’s reputation can be irreparable and may affect their life in various ways. Not only are financial penalties and even prison time part of the picture in many cases, but some people may have their career thrown off course and suffer other negative consequences. If you are facing false accusations related to some type of cybercrime, make sure that you stand up for your rights.

Your career could be adversely affected by a cybercrime case in many different ways. First of all, you may be unable to find work in a particular field, especially if it involves technology or anything related to your case. For example, if the crime was financial in nature, you may be unable to work in the finance sector in certain capacities. Not only can you lose your current job but finding a new position may be impossible, which underlines the importance of figuring out how to approach your cybercrime case correctly.

Some people are unsure of where to begin when they are struggling with a cybercrime case, and they may have little hope that their side of the story will be taken seriously. However, the consequences of an unfavorable end result can be devastating, and it is imperative to have a comprehensive understanding of all your options before moving forward.

The internet is largely driven by the exchange of information. Thus, if you spend a significant portion of time online (either for your own personal fulfillment or for business purposes), the chances of your receiving information and content from others both inside and outside of Atlanta may be high. Such information is often shared with the expectation that it will be kept private. The question then becomes what are the restraints on its use? 

Online invasion of privacy is recognized as being a serious form of cybercrime. Indeed, in Section 19-9-91 of Georgia’s Code of Crimes and Offenses, it is recognized that internet crime can have a far deeper and more damaging impact than other forms of white collar criminal activity. Because of this potential, authorities may be more apt to apply invasion of privacy reasoning in justification for bringing criminal charges against you. Your best answer to such claims may be to cite the specific examples of such activity to see if your actions qualify. 

The most obvious form of online invasion of privacy is an intrusion of solitude. This occurs when one invades one’s privacy when there is a reasonable expectation of solitude (such as you observing another on a camera or video feed). Other less common examples include: 

We have looked into various issues related to cyberbullying in some of our blog posts, such as the consequences that may come from these charges. It is also important to point out that some people do not realize that many adults have faced charges as a result of cyberbullying as well. For an adult charged with this offense, multiple challenges may arise and we will review some in this post. Moreover, the allegations may be completely basis and the result of someone who wants to get even with another person by shattering their reputation and dragging them through the legal system.

When an adult faces charges over allegedly harassing another person over the internet, their good reputation could be damaged, sometimes beyond repair (at least in certain circles). They may have a great deal of anxiety over legal matters and be completely unaware of their legal rights. Worse, some of these cases are the result of completely baseless allegations, which may be the result of a former boyfriend or girlfriend trying to get even or some other situation which involves revenge.

Some people may also feel that they have been bullied or harassed in a way which violates the law even though no laws were even broken. There are all sorts of different legal aspects of a case to consider and every single one is different. As a result, if you have been charged with cyberbullying as an adult, it is vital to go over your case from an individualized perspective.

As a parent, you may go through many difficult situations while raising your child. For example, you could have a hard time helping them through problems with their friends or their school performance. However, there are times when it can be especially challenging to be a parent, such as your child being accused of an offense. Moreover, in the digital age, there are even more ways in which young people find themselves in trouble. There are a number of online offenses that may involve people of all ages and it is crucial to help your child work through this difficult time.

Some people are accused of cyberbullying, which is an especially relevant issue for young people who are in school. Sometimes, details may be blown out of proportion, and these cases can have significant consequences. Other online charges that parents may have to work through include cyberstalking and wrongdoing involving pornography. It can be very difficult for a parent to understand what is going on and which route is best for their child.

It is important to understand that no two cases are the same. There may be various details related to your child’s circumstances that could drastically shape the outcome of the case. There could also be a great deal at stake, from your child’s future with respect to college and their career to other important aspects of their life, so it is important to handle online crime charges very carefully and recognize the potential consequences that could come with a poor outcome.

There are many facets of cybercrime that have been covered on this blog, but one area we want to take a closer look at is computer fraud. There are many different examples of computer fraud, which we will discuss, and it is important to note that the consequences of being charged with this offense can permanently shatter your life. If you have been accused of computer fraud, it is essential to carefully go over all the details which surround your case and make sure that you have identified the best approach, even if you are not innocent or you believe that various details have been blown out of proportion.

Whether someone aims to gain access to a computer system or alter electronic information, there are various examples of computer fraud. Hacking, sending out computer viruses and many other types of illegal activity may be involved in a computer fraud case. If you are charged with computer fraud, you may face incredibly stiff financial penalties. You could also be sentenced to prison and there may be additional ramifications which disrupt your life. For example, your reputation could be irreparably damaged and you may find yourself unemployable.

Because the nature of these charges is so serious, and the consequences can be devastating (especially when prosecuted at the federal level), it is vital to address these allegations correctly. Many people have found themselves in this tough spot and it is crucial to know what your options are if you are facing computer fraud allegations.

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