Articles Posted in Drug Charges

Many people who face drug charges in Atlanta also suffer from addiction issues. In addition to legal woes, addiction can hurt a person’s health, cause rifts between family members, and jeopardize employment. If you have a loved one who is suffering from addiction, your support is crucial during this time. To help you open an honest and trusting dialogue, Very Well Mind offers the following communication advice. 

First, realize that there’s no easy solution to drug addiction. It’s not usually a matter of will power, nor does it relate to a person’s ability to “pull themselves together”. In most instances, drug addiction is caused by numerous factors, including a person’s background, environment, and even genetics. Accordingly, it’s not helpful to admonish a person for not having their life together when addicted to drugs. Drug addiction is more like a medical problem, in the sense that formal treatment may be needed to allow your loved one to finally get clean. 

Next, refrain from making demands that the person quits cold turkey. With certain types of drugs, quitting cold turkey can actually have a number of detrimental effects. That’s why medically assisted detox is recommended for most serious drug addictions. Not only will this ensure a person’s health is monitored during the process, it will also prevent relapses, which are often caused by troubling withdrawal symptoms. When your loved one expresses a desire to get clean, offer your support and suggest a formal treatment program for the best results. 

People often have a myriad of questions when they are charged with a drug offense, and they may be uncertain about how the charges will impact their future and the different penalties they might face. For some people, these charges can be especially difficult because they have no idea how to bring this topic up with family members. For example, someone may be terrified of talking about this matter with their spouse, with their children or with their parents. In Atlanta and across Georgia, many people have had to face these challenges.

A young person living with his or her parents may be worried that they will be kicked out of the home, or that their parents will no longer pay for their college tuition. Or, someone may have concerns that their spouse will leave them as a result of the situation, or that their relationship with their parents will be permanently shattered. These are just a few of the reasons why drug charges can create conflict within a family, and it is crucial to approach this topic with caution.

First of all, every drug case is unique and someone who has been charged may be able to improve their circumstances by taking the right approach (which may also help them explain their situation to family members). It is pivotal to have a thorough understanding of what took place as well as any legal options that could be open to you and reflect on the allegations carefully before discussing the charges with loved ones.

When people think of the typical person who finds themselves facing drug charges, they may envision a teenager or a young adult. Many younger people are charged with drug crimes, but it is important to remember that adults of all ages may be charged with a drug-related offense. Older adults may find themselves in this difficult position for various reasons, whether they are addicted to an unlawful substance or they face charges as a result of prescription medication that they take. If you are an older adult facing drug charges, it is pivotal to know which legal options are in front of you.

Drug charges can arise for various reasons, whether someone is pulled over and found to have unlawful substances in their possession or they are busted while attempting to acquire illegal drugs. Some older adults may take illegal opiates as a result of pain they have been struggling with, or an opiate addiction that resulted from chronic use of pain medication. Moreover, some older adults may take medications without a prescription, which can also be against the law. Drug charges carry a harsh stigma for all people, regardless of their age, and the consequences can be very disruptive.

If you have been charged with a drug offense, you may be unsure of how to handle the situation. You may be worried about your future and how the charges will affect your life, or you could be afraid of what people will think. As a result, it is pivotal to approach a drug case correctly.

Last Sunday afternoon, law enforcement in Milledgeville, Georgia arrived at an apartment complex to serve a 32-year-old man with two outstanding warrants for parole violation. Following a pursuit, they conducted a search that turned up items leading to additional drug charges

Authorities identified a man matching the description of the one they intended to arrest shortly after their arrival to the complex. Rather than walking over to the law enforcement officers as requested, the man instead ran away from them, running back and forth between the buildings of the apartment complex. Authorities yelled at the man to stop, pursued him and, after catching up with him, brought him to the ground due to uncertainty as to whether or not he was carrying a weapon. 

Once in handcuffs, the man reportedly confirmed to law enforcement that he was the one they had been attempting to arrest. Authorities helped him to his feet in order to conduct a weapons and narcotics search. Searching allegedly yielded seven white rock-like substances believed to be crack cocaine, a set of five plastic bags of the type used to package illegal drugs and a digital scale. 

People who have been arrested and are facing felony drug charges in Georgia have many concerns. One of them is likely the fact that they will no longer have access to their substance of choice. Substance use disorders are recognized as health conditions, and access to treatment is critical. Fortunately, in Fulton County, there is a drug court program that ensures assistance for addicts who qualify to go through this alternative court system.

The Fulton County Felony Adult Drug Court program may allow offenders to avoid prison time, but it is not a matter of walking away from the charges. There are a number of officials and professionals who play a role in the program, including the public defender and the District Attorney’s Office, the probation department and treatment providers.

The process involves mandatory participation in chemical dependency treatment and Moral Recognition Therapy, as well as other requirements and a fine. Charges are not dropped until the offender has completed and graduated from the program, which may last six to 18 months.

In Georgia, police are often cracking down on drug-related crimes despite the fact that many think the “war on drugs” has ended. Conaway & Strickler, PC, Attorneys at Law, are here to help defend your rights if you have ever been arrested because of a drug-related accusation.

The first thing to keep in mind is that the police can only search your person, vehicle, or house under certain circumstances. They can’t enter the premise for no reason at all, and they can’t force their way in if you deny entry as long as there isn’t visible evidence of illegal activity within their direct line of sight. Therefore, if you have gone through the steps to deny them entrance but they enter anyway, any evidence they might find can be discarded in court.

It should also be noted that while it’s legal for police interrogation to get aggressive in an attempt to get you to talk, there is still a line between that and outright threats, coercion, or promises. While the former is legal, the latter is not. If you were the victim of a police officer behaving in such a way, evidence being used against you can be rendered useless.

Recently, some states took a look at the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes, while many other parts of the country already allow the legal use of marijuana for recreational purposes. Moreover, many states allow marijuana use for medical reasons. However, people continue to face charges related to marijuana, whether they are accused of possessing or selling the drug. Some people are falsely accused of these offenses while others find themselves facing charges unexpectedly. Regardless of the details surrounding your marijuana case, it is pivotal to handle this issue appropriately and be fully aware of just how much may be at stake.

Some people are wrongly accused of selling marijuana even though they had no intentions of doing so or were framed. These charges can be extremely serious and may lead to time behind bars, an inability to find work in a certain field, and judgment from one’s family and friends. Not to mention, people who are accused of selling marijuana or any other illegal drug may be extremely stressed out and worried about their future.

First off, it is imperative to take a careful look at your rights if you are in this position. You should have a good idea of the different legal options you could have and it may be wise to consult a legal professional if you are unsure of which path to take. Even though many people do not think that marijuana is a big deal, marijuana-related drug offenses can have a huge impact on your future.

Citizens of Georgia may assume that every law enforcement agent is following the laws laid out by the state and federal government. However, this is not always the case. When it comes to arresting an individual and/or obtaining evidence, there are certain protocols that need to be followed, and when they are not it is considered illegal search and seizure.

According to FindLaw, the constitution protects the right to be free under the Fourth Amendment. While the police have the right to search a person or place or arrest someone when there is probable cause, they may not do so without it or for random reasons. Other reasons search and seizure is legal is when there is a valid search warrant or a valid arrest warrant. If one of these grounds is not presented, it may be considered an illegal search and seizure. 

However, the United States Courts outlines some exceptions to the constitution, and these have to do with justifiable government interests. Some examples in which a search and seizure may be considered reasonable include:

We have covered many different aspects of drug cases, but some are especially upsetting. For example, some people who are completely innocent find themselves facing drug charges even though they have never possessed an unlawful substance. There are a number of ways in which this can happen, but one example involves law enforcement officials planting drugs in a person’s vehicle. Unfortunately, it can be very hard for some people to prove their innocence and these charges bring a harsh stigma that can shatter their lives permanently.

If drugs were planted in your vehicle, you may be completely unsure of how to handle the situation. You could have many questions and you may be afraid to stand up for your rights. During these circumstances, however, it is especially important to make sure that you defend yourself properly and your whole future may be at stake. Drug charges can derail college plans, careers and many other aspects of a person’s life and it is particularly upsetting to know that some people are framed and face these penalties even though they are innocent.

There are a variety of motivating factors when it comes to planting drugs. Sadly, some people are voiceless and spend time behind bars for a crime they did not commit. Worse, drug offenses are very serious and can follow people around for decades, creating a bad reputation that is wholly undeserved. To read more about various issues related to drug charges such as planting drugs, head to the drug crimes page on our site.

If you live in Georgia, have been convicted of a drug-related offense and want to go to college, you may have some hurdles to contend with. A big one is that your ability to receive financial aid is cut off for a certain period of time, and this means higher education is financially unattainable for many students. 

According to Federal Student Aid, being incarcerated for any reason limits your eligibility to get student aid, but eligibility is extremely limited for those serving for drug offenses. Eligibility for loans, work-study opportunities and grants is suspended for potential and current students. Those who get convicted after a period of receiving aid may be required to return some of the money. Eligibility can be regained in a couple of circumstances, which are passing two random drug tests or completing a drug rehab program.

The American Civil Liberties Union discusses that this law, enacted in 1998, is unconstitutional as well as wrong from a moral perspective. Whether students are convicted for selling drugs or just possessing them, there is a certain amount of time the ineligibility lasts and it ranges from one year to forever. There is an argument that the law discriminates against low-income students, especially Latinos and blacks who are already victims of the judicial system.

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