Articles Tagged with Criminal defense

In recent years, unruly behavior on flights has become a growing concern, prompting the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to escalate its enforcement efforts. Since 2021, the FAA has referred over 310 cases of severe incidents to the FBI for criminal prosecution. These cases involve dangerous acts like physical assaults, attempts to breach the cockpit, and sexual misconduct, all of which have serious legal consequences.

The FAA’s zero-tolerance policy, implemented in 2021, marked a shift from warnings to immediate enforcement. With incidents like physical assaults on passengers and crew members, the FAA has consistently referred the most egregious cases to the FBI. The FAA can impose civil penalties up to $37,000 per violation, but when these cases are referred for criminal prosecution, offenders face much harsher outcomes.

In 2023, over 1,240 incidents of unruly passenger behavior were reported. Of those, 43 cases were referred to the FBI for criminal prosecution due to their severity. These cases often involve physical altercations or inappropriate behavior that pose a threat to the safety of everyone on board. The FAA’s clear stance on holding individuals accountable shows that passengers who engage in such behavior will face serious repercussions.You can read more about the FAA’s referral process and efforts in their official statement and in further detail from FAA’s unruly passenger policy page.

Cell phones are everywhere today and thus play a significant role in criminal investigations.

What reports are generated from my devices? 

Cellebrite reports provide information about phone calls and text messages; but now it also provides a report on the data stored on these devices such as voicemails, images, and browsing history.  From GPS location data to social media activity, cell phones can provide a treasure trove for law enforcement agencies to use to build their cases.

In the world of banking and finance, the term “Suspicious Activity Report” (SAR) may sound intimidating—especially if you’ve been notified that a bank has filed one concerning your transactions. For individuals and businesses alike, it’s essential to understand what a SAR is, what activities can trigger these reports, and the potential legal consequences that may follow.

What is a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)?

A Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) is a document that financial institutions are legally required to file with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) when they detect potentially suspicious behavior involving financial transactions. Once filed, these reports are sent to FinCEN, a division of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, which shares the information with law enforcement agencies for further investigation if necessary.

In the age of social media, viral trends come and go at lightning speed. Some are harmless and fun, but others can lead people into serious legal trouble. One of the most alarming trends recently circulating on TikTok is the so-called “free money hack.” This trend falsely promises easy money through exploiting banking loopholes, but what many don’t realize is that following such advice could land you in serious legal trouble.

What is the “Free Money Hack”?

The trend usually involves TikTok users claiming they have found ways to manipulate the financial system, offering viewers methods to “hack” or exploit bank accounts, cash apps, or credit systems to obtain free money. Some of these schemes involve:

The Georgia Composite Medical Board is the state organization that monitors physicians and other medical professionals through its licensing and disciplinary policies. The purpose of the Board is to safeguard public health by ensuring proper licensing procedures and regulating healthcare professionals.

Who makes up the Composite Board? The Board is made up of fifteen members appointed by the Governor. Thirteen of those members are physicians, and two of those members are public representatives who have no ties to medicine. Each Board member typically serves a four-year term.

What does the Board do? The Board’s functions include screening candidates for licensure, issuing licenses to qualified professionals, developing rules and guidelines for healthcare practice, and disciplining licensees when necessary. In Georgia, the Composite Board licenses and monitors healthcare professionals including the following: Medical doctors (MDs), Doctors of osteopathic medicine (DOs), Physician assistants (PAs), Anesthesiologist assistants (AAs), Acupuncturists, and pain management clinics. However, the Composite Board does not license or regulate podiatrists, chiropractors, dentists, marriage and family therapists, social workers, professional counselors, physical therapists, registered nurses, or licensed practical nurses – those professions are regulated by the Office of the Secretary of State.

Once a person receives notice that a Title IX allegation has been made against them in Georgia, a school will generally proceed and attempt to resolve the case within 120 days. The Title IX process moves quickly relative to the criminal justice system; however, the implications and lasting consequences of an allegation can be significant, making it imperative to have a skilled attorney assisting at all stages.

After an allegation has been made, there are a limited number of ways that the Title IX investigation can resolve:

  1. Complaint Dismissal: In narrow circumstances, an institution is permitted, but not required, to dismiss complaints. See Board of Regents Policy 6.7.4(f).

Acceptance of responsibility is a concept in that appears in many federal criminal cases. It refers to the idea that a defendant acknowledges their culpability for the offense they are charged with. This is not just admitting guilt, but also demonstrating remorse and a willingness to cooperate with authorities. The defendant must genuinely take responsibility for their actions and the consequences that result from them. Acceptance of responsibility can play a significant role in determining a defendant’s sentence, as well as a defendant’s overall standing in the eyes of the court.

One way in which acceptance of responsibility is often demonstrated is through the defendant’s guilty plea. When a defendant pleads guilty, they are admitting to the charges against them and accept the consequences that come with those charges. This can be seen as a sign of acceptance of responsibility, as the defendant is acknowledging that they committed the crime and is willing to accept the punishment for it. Aside from pleading guilty early in the legal process, acceptance of responsibility is often demonstrated through actions such as cooperating with law enforcement or prosecutors, showing remorse for one’s actions, or taking steps towards rehabilitation and/or restitution.

During federal sentencing, a defendant who has exhibited remorse can be awarded either a two- or three-level decrease in their calculated guideline range based on USSG § 3E1.1 Acceptance of Responsibility. A majority of federal criminal defendants who plead guilty receive this sentencing decrease; but, whether it applies to a case is ultimately within the court’s discretion. Section 3E1.1 is relevant only in the federal system; however, on the state level, the general concept of accepting responsibility is still applicable at sentencing.

IMG_1293-768x1024 Airports are high security environments with strict rules enforced through law enforcement, federal agents, TSA checkpoints, drug-sniffing dogs, US Marshals aboard flights, and more. Being arrested at an airport is overwhelming, scary, and often times, completely unexpected. However, the consequences of these arrest can be serious and long-lasting. An arrest at an airport could lead to detention by law enforcement, criminal charges, and the need to retain legal representation.

If you are arrested at an airport, you may be taken into custody and transported to a detention center or police station where you will be held and processed until further legal proceedings. However, this does not always happen at the airport – you may leave the airport and later have a warrant issued for your arrest. In that case, you would still need to turn yourself in for processing with law enforcement. In either circumstance, it is essential to remember your rights, including the right to remain silent and the right to legal counsel. Contacting an experienced criminal defense attorney will help you navigate that distressing process with an advocate by your side.

Airport arrests can lead to severe criminal charges depending on the circumstances of your case. Common criminal charges in this context cover a broad range including drug offenses, sexual offenses, firearm offenses, DUIs, disorderly conduct, battery, theft, trafficking, and fraud. You could also be arrested at the airport for entirely unrelated criminal charges if you are simply identified and apprehended pursuant to an active arrest warrant, such as this recent arrest in Atlanta. Committing crimes while aboard an aircraft (like interfering with the performance of the duties of a flight crew) can lead to federal criminal charges and even more severe penalties. Many of these charges carry significant terms of imprisonment and hefty fines.

In criminal proceedings, the State often attempts to use evidence of “similar transactions” against a defendant. This typically comes in the form of the State introducing evidence at trial of a defendant’s prior crimes to help prove that defendant’s guilt.

Under O.C.G.A. § 24-4-404(b), evidence of other acts can be introduced by the prosecution to prove a defendant’s “motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge, identity, or absence of mistake or accident.”  This type of evidence is only admissible if the State shows:

“(1) that it seeks to introduce the evidence not to raise an improper inference as to the defendant’s character but for some proper purpose; (2) that there is sufficient evidence to establish that the defendant committed the independent offense; and (3) that there is a sufficient connection or similarity between the independent offense and the crime charged so that proof of the former tends to prove the latter.” Amica v. State, 704 S.E.2d 831 (Ga.App. 2010).

An NFT, or Non-Fungible Token, is a digital asset representing ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item or piece of content using blockchain technology. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis, NFTs are non-interchangeable and one-of-a-kind. As long as you’re following copyright laws and selling legitimate assets, creating, selling, and reselling NFTs is legal. However, due to the decentralized and anonymous nature of the crypto world, NFTs come with a host of legal issues. Like with most digital innovations, regulatory legislation has been slow to catch up and establish clear guidelines; still, wrongful use of NFTs can implicate an array of criminal charges.

Money Laundering refers to the illegal process of concealing the origins of money obtained through criminal activities, making it appear as if it comes from a legitimate source. This is criminalized under 18 U.S.C. § 1956. Money laundering using NFTs involves the illicit use of these digital assets to disguise the origins of illegally obtained funds. In this context, individuals create a fake record of sales on the blockchain by selling NFTs to themselves using different accounts. Once finished, they sell the NFT to an unsuspecting buyer and repeat the process.

Fraud has grown increasingly common in the crypto landscape due to its anonymous and decentralized nature. Fraud involving NFTs can manifest in various ways due to the unique characteristics of these digital assets. This is mostly being prosecuted as wire fraud under 18 U.S.C. § 1343. Some common forms of fraud associated with NFTs include:

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