Articles Tagged with sexual misconduct

Once a person receives notice that a Title IX allegation has been made against them in Georgia, a school will generally proceed and attempt to resolve the case within 120 days. The Title IX process moves quickly relative to the criminal justice system; however, the implications and lasting consequences of an allegation can be significant, making it imperative to have a skilled attorney assisting at all stages.

After an allegation has been made, there are a limited number of ways that the Title IX investigation can resolve:

  1. Complaint Dismissal: In narrow circumstances, an institution is permitted, but not required, to dismiss complaints. See Board of Regents Policy 6.7.4(f).

The investigation and hearing process for those accused of Title IX complaints can be a harrowing process.  It is important to know that you may not only be facing a reprimand, suspension or expulsion (and a permanent notation on your academic record) but you also could be facing criminal charges. It is also important to note that additional final regulations of Title IX became effective August 1, 2024.  These changes modified key aspects of Title IX including the role of the advisor.  It is therefore very important to fully understand Title IX procedures and securing the right advisor is critical to protecting yourself now and in the future.

Here are some basic terms of the process:

Complainant: the individual(s) making the allegation

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